In my quest to make my baby sleep (5) hours in a row that's all I ask, I've tried many different things. I have purchased pillows, travel cots, fleece blankets, fleeces, lavender oil, I've made a co sleeper, I've brought toys with lights and tags on them, I've tried dummies, bottles, going to bed late, going to bed early, have a structured routine, having no routine, having no naps, sleeping in the car seat, on the couch, with blankets without blankets, hot aloe Vera stuff for feet, massage, hot water bottles, tea, walk before bedtime, bananas before bed, rusks, Weetabix. I could go on.... In this quest I have also spent a lot of time reading. I suppose you could say I'm a cause and effect type of girl. If something happens I like to think there is a reason behind it and with Iris not sleeping I like to think I will find a 'cure' and it won't be leaving her to cry.
So in this quest I've been desperate, I've been exhausted, deluded, emotional, hyper and above all sleep deprived. With sleep deprivation comes consequences that I will try anything at any cost to 'make my baby sleep'. I've signed up to every website going offering help, they reel you in promising a five step plan or a new system of napping which makes you think oooh I haven't done that, it may work! They show you reviews and let you take part in forums and before you know it 'BAM' you've signed up for the £299 pound deal for a 20 minute phone call and an emailed sleep plan!
I have done this been sucked in and spat out the other side, luckily for me one said she couldn't help because Iris was un-help able and the other was so extortionate that I just couldn't bring myself to do it without missing a few bills and having even more stress. I have guilt now I'm a mum you know. I won't tell you their names as I am a huge fan of one and have read her books and think she was nice not to take my money if she thinks she couldn't help.
I do curse at these so called sleep expert websites though as they all do the same thing and that is prey on vulnerable people.
This is why I started writing my blog and set up my face book page because I knew there are people out there just the same as me that have a child that sleeps poorly but have decided against CIO for what ever reason and are left to rot!
I've been researching and found 'The Tiny Dreams Project' a new group set up to support people just like me who are stuck with a terrible choice or a terrible consequence. I have taken the consequence and I'm trying to to turn it into a positive by finding a 'cure' or answer to poor sleep habits.
Something they posted this week that I have reposted on my Face book page may actually be working and that is the magic Magnesium!
A mineral essential for our body to do all sorts of things is lacking in so many people and is causing sleep loss. Magnesium is prescribed for ADHD sufferers amongst others as it acts as a muscle relaxant.
I read the article about people taking it to help stem frequent wake ups at night and thought I would give it a go. Is it a coincidence?!
Iris went from 8 wake ups to 3 in one night and it continued into night two as well. The Kids sleep app I tracked the wake ups on and I couldn't believe my eyes when she went from 12-5 without waking twice in a row. The magic 5 hooray! I take the magnesium at 5pm with dinner and feed Iris at 7.30. I don't know if it's the Magnesiun or a coincidence but it has given me a little hope that she can sleep longer. Watch this space if it continues!
The last two nights however, she has been bad because of teething with a temperature and rosy cheeks and has woken more frequently. As soon as her tooth erupts I'm hoping to see whether magic Magnesium does the trick again! If it does I will be singing it from the roof tops x