Monday, 1 June 2015


It's times like this when I need to write this blog to a) see if I'm the only person with a child like this?! 
B) whether I am actually going a little bit insane 
C) what to do about it! 
She is not napping..... I have to go to work I need to sleep as I'm doing a night shift. Iris has been awake since 7am she missed her normal nap time at 10am wasn't interested so at 12.50 she fell asleep in the car I had to wake her up after ten minutes because I couldn't carry the car seat in. I've tried getting her back to sleep since then and she categorically refuses, I've tried everything. I'm slowly losing the will to live.....
I'm exhausted as our night was bloody awful last night and I put that down to me being at work and Daddy putting her to bed. She is always like this with me and I barely get any sleep. Today I just want her to nap with me, we have done it hundreds of times but nope not on your life, no siree I'm not sleeping mummy. I'm exhausted, I'm clingy and grumpy but I'm not sleeping. So Mummy is sulking!

I don't know how to reason with a 13 month old? I don't know how to teach her right from wrong and I don't know how to teach her to sleep on her own, I wish I did! I feel bad that I've shouted at her but what else can I do?! 
Right now, I'm feeling so frustrated and sorry for myself because I really am 
tired. I get this feeling of failure of being a good mummy when things like this happen. I think she has pulled the wool over my eyes like a sucker but she is a year old, she doesn't know how to do manipulation yet? Does she?! I

There will be people shouting at me reading this saying of course she 
 I find it hard to believe she hasn't mastered to say the word 'NO' or 'Naughty' yet they are by far the most used words in her vocabulary!